

Technical Services

If you have a resource concern on your property, whether it is soil being carried away from your crop field or your shoreline eroding away, the SWCD is available for technical assistance. We will set up a site visit with you to look at the problem, take any measurements or survey information, and come up with a solution. If we can't come up with a solution to your problem, we will find someone who can.

If you are a resident of Wadena County, these services are available free of charge to you. Contact our office to set up a site visit.

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Equipment Rentals

Rental equipment is available through the East Otter Tail SWCD. All rental equipment can be picked up starting at 10:00am and must be returned by 8:00am the next business day unless otherwise arranged. All late equipment rentals are subject to a fine.

Haybuster No-till Drill

The EOT SWCD has a 10-foot Haybuster 107 no-till drill available for rent. The drill is equipped with a grain box, native grass seed box, and legume box.

Haybuster's grain and grass drills are truly all purpose drills. They will seed a wide variety of seed; from warm and cool season grasses and legumes to small grains and soybeans. These drills work will in conventional, minimum till, and no-till operations.

Horsepower requirements: 50 HP Minimum - Dependent upon terrain and soil conditions
Rental Rate: $15.00/acre (out of East Otter Tail county)
$195.00 minimum charge
Deposit: $195 is due at time of pick up.

Dew Drop Drill

The Dew Drop Drill is a native grass drill equipped with twin seed boxes. It's designed to handle a variety of seeds including warm and cool season grasses, small and large grains, wildflowers, forbs, legumes, and many commercially available food plot mixtures.

Seeding width is 3 ft. Can cover one acre per hour at 3 mph. The drill requires a minimum 350 cc ATV.
Rental rate: $150.00/day (includes trailer for easy transport)
Deposit: $150 is due at time of pick up.

Tree Planter

The rental tree planter is a towable, two-person planter and runs with battery operated hydraulics.

Rental rate: $55.00/day
Deposit: $55 is due at time of pick up.

Contact EOT SWCD

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