Brakstad Family Farm Receives Water Quality Certification
December 11, 2024 by Alyson Levig
Lance and Robyn Bragstad, proud owners of the Brakstad Family Farm, have recently become water quality certified under the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP). To date, there are over 1,400 certified producers and one million certified acres throughout the state taking the lead in implementing conservation-minded practices to protect water quality.
“MAWQCP was another important certification for our farm,” Robyn explained. “It educates all our customers on the importance of our green growing practices.”
The Brakstad’s diverse livestock and market garden operation in Cass County first began as a hobby farm in 2010, when a pair of Holstein calves were purchased and a high tunnel built. Today, that local business has grown to 3 high tunnels, one of which is hydroponic, a 1-acre market garden, and 1 greenhouse for growing garden starter plants. Lance and Robyn are also a part of the Minnesota Grown Program, have 35 Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) subscribers (including local food shelves and grocery stores), and practice organic methods.
The Brakstads practice intensive rotational grazing where they move their cattle throughout their 21-paddock system once grass height drops below 4 inches. In the winter, the herd bale grazes to aid in spreading animal waste. Some waste is collected and composted for their market garden. The market garden is a no-till system with a complex rotation consisting of 40 different vegetable types, stretching up to 16 years to break pest cycles. The numerous varieties are divided between the high tunnels and outdoor beds while a hydroponic lettuce operation occupies the greenhouse. Cover crops, solarization, and soil tests are also utilized throughout the production cycle to increase soil health.
“We are just a small speck of a grand scheme,” Robyn said. “That’s why the quality and health of the land for food is important to us – it’s for the future of the land’s benefit and future generations.”
Because of the current and future best management practices implicated in the Brakstad Family Farm, Lance and Robyn, officially became certified water quality producers on May 14, 2024, where water quality is protected, and soil erosion is reduced.
“Brakstad Family Farm offers garden plants, fresh nutrient dense vegetables, and all-natural beef raised off the land,” Robyn added. “We also have an on-site farm store that is open during the growing season. We invite you out to come and see us!”
Posted In: MAWQCP