One Watershed One Plan

Redeye one watershed one plan logo

Leaf, Wing, Redeye One Watershed One Plan

The Leaf, Wing, Redeye 1W1P was approved on August 26th, 2020 by the Board of Water and Soil Resources. The final plan is intended to provide a guide to local resource professionals, including SWCD and county staff, on where to spend their time and money to get the best results.

The final document outlines the priority issues, areas, and practices within the watershed. It is intended to guide and track our progress improving water quality over the next ten years (until 2031).

Final Plan Document

Image of Redeye watershed plan goals flyer.
Crow Wing River watershed logo

Crow Wing One Watershed One Plan

Crow Wing River Watershed Comprehensive Mangement Plan Draft Public Comment Period

The Crow Wing River Watershed Comprehensive Management Plan partnership is looking for public input on the draft version of the Crow Wing River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan. The Crow Wing River Watershed Comprehensive Management Plan was developed under the One Watershed One Plan Program. A One Watershed One Plan is a collaboration between Local Governments to focus efforts on Protecting, Enhancing, or Restoring focus resources like Ground Water, Surface Water, Soil Health, Biological Health, and Forest Health across a watershed boundary.

Since the spring of 2023 many partners have been working to develop the Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan for the Crow Wing River Watershed. This includes Becker County/SWCD, Cass County/SWCD, Crow Wing County/SWCD, Hubbard County/SWCD, Wadena County/SWCD, Todd County/SWCD. Along with assistance from various State, Tribal and Citizen Stakeholders including White Earth Nation, DNR, MPCA, MDH, and MDA.

The Crow Wing River One Watershed One Plan work area covers a large and diverse landscape that stretches from southern Clearwater County all the way down to the mouth of the Crow Wing River near the City of Baxter. The watershed has a diverse array of landscapes from agriculturally significant river basins, drumlins, large swaths of forests, and multiple lakes regions.

To view the plan and submit input/feedback go to the Crow Wing River Watershed Comprehensive Management Plan page. This can be found on the link below and on partnering SWCD’s websites.

Crow Wing Watershed Planning Page

Map showing the Crow Wing River watershed.

Vision Statement:

The Crow Wing River Watershed was a historic transportation route and provided the necessities of life for generations. Today, we blend agriculture, forestry, tourism, and the lake community to protect our story and preserve resources for future generations.

Clean Water Land and Legacy Amendment Logo

Funding for this project was provided by the Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment. For more information visit:

2025 Photos & Text Copyright - © Wadena Soil & Water Conservation District - Responsive Web Design

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